barn FLOW
An intro class great for beginners and all levels. Intro to postures, stretching, breath work, meditation. Practice yoga basics while developing your mind body connection. Each class will vary focusing on building strength, flexibility, and mental awareness. Non heated room.
barn hatha
A sequence which consists of 26 poses and two breathing exercises that are done in the same order every class. If you love knowing what’s coming and routine, this class is for you! Room heated to 104 degrees.
BARN HATHA FUSION classes start with traditional the first half of class in Hatha and switches over to a vinyasa style class to get your heart rate up.
barn Power
A series of postures designed to work every muscle, organ, gland, cell and tissue in the body. You will learn alignment and form of standing poses, forward bends, back bends, twists and inversions using breath with movement to create flow. This flow is dynamic and intended to challenge you to step up, show up, and find your own personal edge. You will sweat and have fun doing it! Room heated to 95 degrees.
BARN POWER VINYASA is a powerful, energetic class where students move fluidly from one pose to the next while connecting with their breathing to their movement.
Hot Pilates is the High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) using Pilates’ principles for the whole body. The exercises are high intensity to strengthen lean muscles, yet low-impact to keep joints healthy. The first half of class focuses on core strength building and glut activation, which is extremely important to release lower back pain and increase energy. The high-intensity second half is designed to create fast results, build long, lean muscle mass, and burn fat for a whole body workout.Room heated to 104 degrees with high humidity.
barn restore
Restorative yoga is the practice of listening to your body and mind and encouraging it to enter a state of total relaxation. In this state, your body and mind can consciously relax and tension is released. Yoga positions are held for 3-5 minutes with the support of blankets, bolsters, and blocks. The only work that's required on your part during a restorative yoga practice is to pay attention to your breath and become aware of any sensations or thoughts that may arise.
Restorative classes are a great complement to more active practices (as well as our busy lives) and an excellent antidote to stress. Stillness is a powerful practice.
united we sweat
Accelerate your goals with our challenging and high energy group yoga classes. Burn fat, build muscle and be the best version of you.